Monthly Archives: November 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

It is so heartwarming to read what our students feel thankful for. We made Thanksgiving pumpkins and here are a few things the kids wrote.

I am thankful to live in America.
I am thankful for God.
I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful for the men who served our country when the World Trade Center crashed.
I am thankful for my home.
I am thankful for our soldiers.
I am thankful for being born.
I am thankful for food to eat.
I am thankful for my friends.
I am thankful for grandparents.
I am thankful for Whigham School.IMG_1700








Social Studies

A few reminders:

1. Our test is tomorrow. Students will complete an outline for their writing in class today to help them with the writing portion of the test.
2. Our dress up day will have to be moved to Thursday. Please send in the costume for your child to change into later on in the day.
3. These will be the final grades for Social Studies for this 9 week period.

Also, don’t forget to send in your $3.00 for art if you have not already done so. This will allow EVERY child to make a Christmas ornament.

Social Studies

I would like for the students to dress up as one of the historical figures we have studied this nine weeks (Sequoyah, Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, or James Oglethorpe) on Wednesday. If your child chooses to do this, please have him/her dress appropriately for the time period and culture as well as prepare three index cards with three facts to tell the class about the person they are representing. This will be a presentation to the class, and we may also present to another grade group.

This is optional and no grade will be taken, but I believe the students will enjoy it!

Please email me with specific questions.