Monthly Archives: November 2017

Fowler’s HR

Super Hero for the week of Oct. 13-17

Hunter Sorrow

**This Friday, Oct. 17 will be a teacher workday. We are in the process of trying to reschedule our fieldtrip and will let you know ASAP.

ELA-Tests over Farfallina and Marcel will be on Wednesday. Please have your child read this story aloud to you at home. This improves both reading fluency and comprehension.
Math-We are finishing up our graphing unit and starting Module 6 on addition strategies.

Friday, Nov. 17-No school for students


Due to the number of staff that will be out for the football game Nov. 17 (countywide), travel issues, and a shortage of bus drivers, a decision was made to cancel school for students. This will be a teacher work day for faculty.

Wonder-The Movie

We are currently speaking to the Zebulon Theatre regarding rescheduling the field trip for Thursday. You will be updated as we are made aware of information.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Stewart/Nelson Math

If you have any ribbon that you would like to donate to our math class, please send it to school with your child. We will be using it for our unit on measuring length.

We will be learning about money during the third nine weeks. In order for students to be successful, they need to be able to recognize quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. They need to know the heads and the tails. Students must also know the value of the coins. Please check with your child to see if he/she can identify coins and know the value of these coins. If not, please practice this skill.
Thank you for your help.

Balloons Over Broadway-Stewart/Nelson

We are very excited about our balloons and the transformation that will happen next week! Basic materials that you may want to make sure your child has are: balloon, adhesive tape, ribbon/string and any other special embellishments your child will need for his/her character balloon. I have paint, yarn, fabric and a variety of STEM items that students can use as well. If you are not sure, please feel free to email me with any question you may have. This is going to be an AWESOME project!


This note is coming home today. Please sign and return no later than Wednesday. Please do not spend more than $5-$6 on this project.

After reading Balloons Over Broadway, students will design their own Thanksgiving balloon based on a favorite character (book or movie).
Students will need to purchase a 36” Latex balloon.

I will have markers, tape and other miscellaneous items for students to use. Any special embellishments/decorations that are needed should be brought in by the student.

Please send in materials by Nov. 13. Materials should be in a Ziploc bag or small shoebox labeled with the student’s name.

This website may be helpful in ordering a balloon.

Stewart/Nelson ELA

Our test on The Ugly Vegetables will be Wednesday. Our test will cover vocabulary, comprehension, phonics, homophones and grammar. There will also be a “cold selection” reading passage with questions. Students have not been exposed to this passage. This will aid in preparation for third grade Milestones testing.

We will continue working on informational writing in the upcoming weeks. Some of our topics include: spiders, The Whigham Way, math strategies, and Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Finally, I’m excited to say that we will begin reading Balloons Over Broadway, which relates to the history of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Students will create their own balloon (based on a book character or movie character) to display. Lots of fun and exciting things to come!

Fowler’s HR

Superhero of the Week for Nov. 6-10

Heavenly Lamons

ELA-Tests for A Harbor Seal Pup Grows Up are Tuesday, Oct. 7. We will begin the next story,Farfallina and Marcel on Wednesday.
Math-We are still in Module 5/Graphing.

We enjoyed helping 8th grade Ag students plant in their raised beds. This went along perfectly with our study of plant lifecycles!

**I will be at a workshop on Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Phyllis Todd is my capable substitute!